K3D - the OpenGL Lightwave object Viewer!
With full Lightwave 6 multi-layer object format support and the following exciting features:
* All Versions of Lightwave object format supported including LW6/7/8 multi-layer files.
* High quality, fast OpenGL rendering (supports all hardware accelerated OpenGL cards).
* Excellent support for lightwave surface characteristics including colour, diffusion, specular, Gloss, transparency, smoothing, double sided polys etc.
* Support for single points, lines and polygon objects.
* Sub-patch support (NEW: faster with version 2.1.1) - with varying levels of detail.
* Save current object render in multiple images formats (JPG, BMP, TIF, PNG)
* Intuitive keyboard and Mouse Control.
* Drag and drop file support (including entire folders!)
* Double click any .LWO object to load it quickly into K3D.
* Use the Page Up/Down keys to quickly browse other objects in the same directory.
* Multiple configurable display modes including points, wireframe, anti-aliased wireframe and Smooth shaded polygons.
* Multiple configurable lights.
* Full scene hardware anti-aliasing supported.
* Ability to instantly toggle LW layers on/off in the display window.